May 2012 Meeting
Sustainability & the OC Great Park: Challenges and lessons learned. Our second tour.
Guest Speaker: Sam Allevato, Community Relations Liaison, OC Great Park
Topic: Designing Sustainability into the OC Great Park
Description: Sustainability and the Orange County Great Park: Challenges and lessons learned during the planning and construction of a “park” that will be nearly double the size of New York City’s Central Park!
The Orange County Great Park is currently constructing the first phase of the Western Sector Park Development Plan for the initial 200+ acres of the park. LEED APs who have be involved in the planning and construction will speak specifically about sustainability issues. A walking tour of the park will highlight points of interest. Come learn the latest and greatest about this remarkable project as it develops!
Speaker Bio: City Councilman, former Mayor of San Juan Capistrano, and retired Irvine police lieutenant (1979-2002), Sam Allevato was born in Clarksburg, West Virginia. He moved to California in 1950, and has lived in San Juan Capistrano since July of 1976. He is married and has two children. Sam graduated from California State University, Los Angeles with a BS in Police Science and Administration in 1969, and went on to graduate from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles with a Masters of Public Administration degree in 1976, from P.O.S.T. Command College at Cal Poly, Pomona in June of 1989, from the F.B.I. National Academy in 1992, and from Southwest Command College in 1998. As a member of the San Juan Capistrano Equestrian Coalition, Councilman Allevato is also an avid horseman. He is an active member of El Viaje de Portola Riders and a Board Member of Padre Junipero Serra Trailriders. Sam sets an example for young people to remain active and always learning. His work as Community Chairperson for the South Orange County Explorer Scouts Learning for Life Program also helps him to achieve this goal of providing leadership and inspiration for youth in our community.
Come meet others interested in going green at SBLC's monthly meeting. Open to anyone interested in going green!
Share with business owners, executives, and other regional leaders what you do that is eco-friendly. Even if you do not do anything "Green" and just want to learn; you are welcome to join us.
- Date: May 10, 2012
- Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- Location: The OC Great Park, Vistors Center
- Address: 6950 Marine way Irvine, CA 92618
- Cost: SBLC Members $10 per person, Non-Members $15 per person, Students $5 per person
- For more information call (877) 890-5606